The One Little Word Project was started by Ali Edwards in 2006 as an alternative to the standard New Year's resolution. Essentially, it involves deciding on one word as your guiding principle of the year. See more in her blog post here.
My One Little Word for 2015 is SIMPLIFY.
I've gotten a taste of this word with my capsule wardrobe project started last fall. In pairing down my wardrobe to 30-ish items that I truly loved, I felt more satisfied wearing my favorites rather than rummaging every morning through tons of items I just kind of liked. The simplicity felt like it gave me room to breathe. I actually feel like I have more wardrobe options when I work with less, because I know what works and what I love, and I'm purposeful about my pieces.
I've had so much success with this concept that I figured it would be worth expanding into other areas of my life. I want to only live with what I truly need, and do away with all the excess. I want to simplify: my things & possessions, but also my time, my schedule, and how I run the business. I want to run my life smarter and more strategically. Simply instead of chaotic.
I feel like I can be a person of excess sometimes. I thrive on full days, and the busiest social calendar imaginable. Last year, my husband and I often had commitments 4 out of 5 weeknights each week, plus multiple parties/events every weekend. There wasn't much room for simplicity in our schedule. This year, I'm much more aware of that, and I think I will continuously be learning how to live between too little and too much.
Excited for this word and for this year. Cheers to 2015!